
Advertise your business while supporting the National Comedy Hall of Fame Museum. 

How To Become A Sponsor

We are a not-for-profit entity and donations are tax deductible. Sponsors can get significant exposure through signage on our building, name plaques on our exhibits, mention on media and more.

The National Comedy Hall of Fame® gets significant coverage in national, state and local media. The value of this exposure has been appraised at amounts significantly more than the cost of Sponsorship. In addition, many sponsorship packages include a day at the National Comedy Hall of Fame Building for up to 60 of your employees and can include museum access, conference room usage and lunch for your employees. 

Our sponsorships are divided into 3 categories, with varying price points. For more information on sponsorship please contact our Sponsorship Directors, Emma and Amanda at comedyhall@aol.com.

Our Accreditation’s 

Memberships & Recognition’s Of Being The Only National Comedy Hall of Fame®


Museum Information

Phone: 727-541-7876

Email: comedyhall@aol.com

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